Document Scanning - Frequently Asked Questions
What is Document Scanning?
Document scanning is the multi-step process of converting a paper page into an electronic image of that page. The quality of the image depends on the technologies and processes utilized by the vendor converting the files.
What is OCR?
OCR or Optical Character Recognition refers to technologies that involve "reading" words from a scanned image by translating each character on an image into searchable text. OCR enables users to search for and retrieve information within a file or page. In addition, when a set of files is indexed, users are able to search for keywords across an entire document library and retrieve each page with exact precision. OCR enables users to execute searches in seconds, searches that once required hours or days to complete.
What things should I know when my company wants to conduct a document scanning project?
As with any successful project, it is important to clearly define the People, Process, and Technology Requirements as they relate to the project goals. The key to a successful document conversion project is starting with the end goal in mind, then employing proven technology solutions and conversion methods (of which document imaging can be just one step in the entire process). Your team may need tools and guidelines to enable them to make informed decisions on all aspects of a document scanning project. For more information please click on the Document Scanning Guidelines Tools link.
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