Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Industries Scanning Services Offerings
Converting Information into Digital Assets®
Digital Documents, LLC is a leading document scanning services and imaging services company. We provide Best Practice File Conversion Outsourcing Services to Health Care and Pharmaceutical Industry Leaders which enables these organizations to instantly access the information contained in their Patient Charts, back office files and R&D Submissions to the FDA. In addition, we specifically designed our project methods and production facilities to ensure HIPAA and FDA Compliance for Health Care and Pharmaceutical document conversion projects. The benefits gained from our services result in increased productivity, performance and profits by eliminating the time required for service providers and knowledge workers in these organizations to find information.
Our team of recognized scanning experts provides conversion services to support large scale projects that require quick turnarounds and high quality deliverables. Utilizing our latest dDSpeedScan® and dDOptimaOCR® technologies and processes, we can provide your organization with the Highest Quality scanned files and coded data available in the industry today.
Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Industry Offerings
- Cost Assessment & Return On Investment Analysis
- High Quality Mixed File Scanning
- Full Text Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
- File Naming & Coding
- File Library Indexing
- Electronic File Conversion & Discovery
- Cost Effective File Search & Retrieval Solutions
- Document Management Application Integration
Our Professional Approach
Our expert team serves as Solution Providers and Outsourcing Partners to Health Care Providers and Pharmaceutical Companies that have critical document scanning and imaging projects. Our Management Team has over 30 years of experience successfully designing and implementing document solutions, and managing file conversions of millions of pages in these Industries.
The key to a successful project is starting with the end deliverable in mind, then employing proven technology solutions and conversion methods (of which scanning can be just one stage in the entire process). Successful document management requires a clear understanding of an organization's Document Strategy, its People, Process, and Technology Requirements, and the optimal Implementation Approach.
We work with your organization to conduct a Document Management Project Plan that identifies the answers to the following questions:
- When will your organization begin the project?
- Has a Business Case been conducted for this project?
- Has a Document Strategy been defined for the organization?
- Has a Project Sponsor, Change Agent and Project Team been identified?
- What document intensive process will be the focus of the project?
- What is the number of pages to convert digitally?
(We will estimate this based on the number of file cabinet drawers and the number of boxes to be digitally converted, and by sampling the contents of the files.)
Compliance & Risk Mitigation
We have designed project methods and production facilities that ensure HIPAA and FDA Compliance for Healthcare and Pharmaceutical document conversion projects. Our goal is to serve your organization's needs as efficiently and effectively as possible to maximize the benefits of such a project. To accomplish this we focus on the following:
- Facility Security (all facilities are in Level 5 Nested Secure Locations with 24 x 7 Security Guards and Monitored Surveillance Cameras)
- Project Quality (to control and assure high quality deliverables per the ARMA Requirements for document conversion)
- Flexible Solutions (to maximize value and system integration)
- Standards Based Technology (to minimize proprietary technology switching costs)
- Fixed Fee Pricing (to contain price and enable budgeting)
Our Qualifications
Health Care Institutions
- Back Office Processing Services
- Analysis to Define Business Case
- Ongoing Monthly File Conversion Services
- Application Integration
Results: Deliver the optimal services to streamline operations and minimize redundancies
General & Specialty Practices
- Patient Charts Conversion Services
- Conversion to Paperless Office & Archiving Charts
- Ongoing Quarterly Chart Image Services
- Minimize Operating Overhead & Maximize Access
Results: Deliver the optimal services to enable instant access to patient charts while minimizing overhead expenses
Pharmaceutical Companies
- R&D Document Processing Services
- Instant Access to Audit & Compliance Information
- Ongoing Trial Stage Image Services
- Detailed Quality Reports
Results: Design the optimal services to enable instant access to audit and compliance data
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