Legal Document Scanning
The success of legal proceedings often hinges on documentation. Assertion of fact isn't enough: law firms must provide clear evidence of innocence or proof of malfeasance. As a result, law offices are clogged with paper that might be required for a case, or could be necessary in the event of a compliance review.
To handle the increasingly complex task of document management and accessibility, many firms now turn to legal document scanning as a way to keep the critical elements of paper evidence without its companion, bulk. Ensuring the best-quality transition from physical to digital, however, necessitates a scanning provider with the same qualities as a successful law practice: thoroughness, precision and due diligence. At Digital Documents, LLC, we're known for all three.
Which documents need to be scanned, and which can be left behind? In the case of many law firms, it's ideal to convert all physical information possible — everything from Post-it notes to color images and unique media types. To accomplish this aim, we rely unwavering attention to detail during the preparation and quality review stages of the document scanning process. File orders must be maintained, documents repaired as needed and any physical impediments (staples, bindings) removed. Next, we perform a three-stage quality review to ensure your large-scale conversion provides the highest-quality digital result.
Judges, juries and governing bodies have no patience for digital documents that are messy copies of the original or don't accurately display all necessary data. That's why precision is top priority: during the scanning process, we ensure that all critical aspects of your documents remain intact while simultaneously creating a uniform database of information. To accomplish this aim, we rely on both dDSpeedScan image enhancers and optical character recognition (OCR) using our dDOptimaOCR software. The results are then filtered through our dDAlgorithm to ensure the best match and processing using dDLayout technology to replicate the layout of your original page. The result? Digital documents that look just like your originals, without the chance of becoming lost or damaged.
Due Diligence
Of course, all this work is no good unless you — and compliance agencies or legitimate eDiscovery queries — can easily access your documents. Our file naming, coding and quality review services ensure that you can always find the information you need without wasting hours on a search. We then add metadata integration to make search and retrieval even easier -- and using dDOCP technology ensures that your files are flexible and accessible across multiple media types: CDs, DVDs, PCs, servers and your internal document management system.
And don't forget our closing argument: physical files are transferred to the digital media of your choice and the originals are returned, recycled or certified destroyed at your discretion. This “electronic file shredder” exceeds U.S. Department of Defense secure destruction requirements and ensures no file recovery is possible by any third party.
Legal document scanning gives your firm the edge — make sure you've got the right partner.
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