Microfiche Scanning and Conversion
Digital Documents, LLC is an Industry Leader in Microfiche Scanning and Conversion Services. We provide Best Practice processes and techniques when converting your fiche, enabling your organization to instantly access the critical information contained in its files. In addition, we specifically designed our project methods and production facilities to ensure the highest level of Security Compliance. The benefits gained from our services result in increased productivity, performance and profits by eliminating the time and equipment required to access the information contained on your microfiche.
What is Microfiche?
Microfiche is essentially a photographic negative image of a document. A sheet of fiche, which can contain documents, newspaper articles, and even books, is reduced in size to store mass quantities of information in a small package. Microfiche is a collection of these images and requires special machines and processes in order to read the information on a sheet. There are several forms of microfiche, including:
- COM (Computer Output Microfiche)
- Jacketed
- Step and Repeat
- Rewritable
Why should we Convert Microfiche to Digital Files?
The benefits of taking any document digital are vast, ranging from the ability to search text, to enabling secure accessibility to otherwise inaccessible information. To date, our Clients have realized two very important benefits specific to having their microfiche scanned.
The first, and probably most important, is that fiche has a finite shelf life. Once the information has faded, caused by the negative chemical processing, it is gone forever! The “marketing material” for fiche boldly states that it can last for 500 years. However, in our experience working with Client’s microfiche, the time before information contained on the film begins to deteriorate is far less.
The second reason to have your organization’s fiche converted to digital files, is the cost implications of maintaining fiche. Fiche requires a special storage environment to extend its life. Elements like fluctuations in temperature and humidity can damage, or even destroy your fiche. Couple that with the expensive equipment needed to access information on a sheet of microfiche and you have significant investment in resources.
Secure the critical information contained in your microfiche files by scanning the information to make it accessible and searchable. Contact Us today to learn how we can help your Team with its microfiche conversion needs!
Whether you are in DC, Virginia, Maryland or throughout the United States and world, contact us today to learn how we can help your team with it's microfiche conversion needs.
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