How Document Conversion Can Save Your Business After A Disaster
The Small Business Administration reports that an estimated 25 percent of businesses never re-open after a natural disaster. If your business falls victim to a flood, fire, hurricane or other disaster, getting back on your feet quickly can spell the difference between recovery and business failure. Learn how document conversion services can assist with a fast recovery both before and after a disaster.
Document Scanning After a Natural Disaster
Today's business environment dictates that important information is available on demand — day or night. The best way to provide on-demand access to information is to use document scanning services to make business documents available electronically. Not only does document conversion have many benefits, including time and money savings, it can protect your critical assets from destruction in a weather emergency, and ensure a quick return to business if anything goes wrong.
A scanning service can scan and share all important documents you obtain, preserving staff access from anytime and any location. When staff has access to the information they need to get their jobs done effectively, they can work remotely, access information in meetings, and continue to work effectively — even if something goes wrong.
Scanning also positively impacts the client or customer relationship, by making it easy for clients to find needed information, whether after a disaster or after close of business. When clients can find information on their own, it saves staff time. If you do not want sensitive business information to be destroyed in the event of a disaster, you must plan ahead. Document conversion is a proven way to safeguard information.
What Could Happen if You Lost Business Documents in a Disaster?
The worst case for businesses after disaster is failure to recover. Your staff would lose their jobs, you would lose your job and livelihood, and the business you worked so hard to create would simply cease to exist.
Yet, even if the worst does not happen, a disaster places all staff under incredible stress. Imagine a phone call in the middle of the night: There's been a fire. You rush to the office to find everything destroyed. You can only access old, outdated files in the basement. How do you complete work in progress for long-standing clients? How can you salvage client relationships, access lost data or even begin to get back to work?
While disaster relief specialists and digital document recovery technicians may be able to salvage some important business documents, odds are very low that they can obtain everything you need to return to normal.
Information is more valuable than money to most businesses: While you can replace capital or insure assets, information itself is irreplaceable. Don't find this out the hard way; plan for business continuity before disaster strikes.
Document Conversion Services
Document scanning services can digitize all business information, preventing a disaster. A document scanning service can also help you determine how often to update scanning so the most important, up-to-date work is saved.
For document conversion assistance, look to Digital Documents. With 15 years of experience, Digital Documents offers a unique conversion process and unparalleled attention to detail that can alleviate business worries. Request a quote for services or a free brochure to learn more about document conversion services from Digital Documents.
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